Provide variants with the Vert.x Maven and Gradle plugins
Opened this issue · 4 comments
Along with the bare projects, it would be useful to provide project variants using the (opinionated) Maven and Gradle plugins:
Sounds like a good idea to me. I will start with #70. Such options should hidden at first and unfold when user clicks on Advanced options or similar.
Removed from the 2.0.5 milestone. We have enough features/fixes ready to get a 2.0.5 out.
I'd like to bump this issue. Currently, maven generated projects use the maven shade plugin. This works to some extent. For example, if I create a project and add webauthn dependency plus webauthn with classifier js
(the javascript helper file), the shade plugin will not process that dependency and produce a non-working fat jar.
Using the reactiverse vertx maven plugin does work as expected, plus it offers some other interesting features like webjars support, auto-reload, etc...
At least for maven projects, I believe that using the reactiverse plugin, it would make developers workflow simpler than the current solution.
@pmlopes it would be great if you could contribute this. Otherwise, you can generate a project from a terminal without using the starter:
mvn io.reactiverse:vertx-maven-plugin:1.0.24:setup \
-DprojectGroupId=org.acme \
-DprojectArtifactId=acme-project \
-DprojectVersion=1.0-SNAPSHOT \ # default to 1.0-SNAPSHOT
-Dverticle=org.acme.Foo \