
Add Junit Jupiter (JUnit 5) support

luolong opened this issue · 12 comments

JUnit 5 is right around the corner and it adds much nicer and more natural extension API.

Going forward, I hope, Vert.x will adopt this API instead of getting stuck in the legacy JUnit 4 support...

vietj commented

I believe that for junit 5 we should have a new project called vertx-junit5 that provides only support for junit 5 that only supports junit 5 (no polyglot) whereas the existing vertx-unit continues to support junit 4 and the other polyglot unit testing features.

perhaps it's worth talking on the vertx-dev list.

Perhaps. I started at one point implementing such a functionality, but there's a lot of internal complexity involved, so I had to abandon that project for now.

( I need to take some time to understand what exactly is going on under the covers there before I can contribute anything)

see #281

@jponge Any news on your JUnit5 integration?

vietj commented

it's been integrated in stack and will be released in 3.5.1, for now you shall be able to consume it as a SNAPSHOT from Sonatype OSS repository

Great @vietj! What is the classname to use? VertxUnitRunner is for JUnit4. Is it available within another artifact or this one?

Yeah. I searched for it under this organization name but did not find it. Still under your name I guess?

OMG! I'm not good at using search engines !

I'm better at building them. 😉