Local Development Environment with Snapshot Version of VVP and SQL
knaufk opened this issue · 5 comments
- checkout https://github.com/dataArtisans/daplatform-charts
- add remote https://github.com/dataArtisans/ververica-platform-playground-private preview to Ververica Platform Playground Repostiory
- checkout branch snapshot-sql branch
- create “vvp” and “vvp-jobs” namespace
- add Kubernetes Secret to both Namespaces to be used an ImagePullSecret for private registry (command and Secret content can be found in README of https://github.com/dataArtisans/daplatform-charts - Connect to preview)
- run setup.sh
- swagger ui available under
@michaelpisula @duresmeois The important bit when checking out the charts is to create the image pull secret (step 2) and then referencing it (step 4). I'm pointing this out explicitly, because there was some confusion about this in the past.
If you use "snapshot-sql" branch, the referencing part is already done. The only thing is you need to from the daplatform-charts repository is the command to create the Kubernetes Secret.
If you use "snapshot-sql" branch, the referencing part is already done. The only thing is you need to from the daplatform-charts repository is the command to create the Kubernetes Secret.
For convenient reference, the command that I used was modified to include the vvp
namespace thus:
kubectl create secret --namespace vvp docker-registry gcr-json-key \
--docker-server=eu.gcr.io \
--docker-username=_json_key \
--docker-password="$(cat tools/gcr-json-key.json)" \
Since this is not part of the setup script, also for convenience:
kubectl --namespace vvp port-forward services/vvp-ververica-platform 8080:80
I have the local setup and can create, alter and drop tables as well as create and launch SQL scripts. Swagger works.