
(説明用) Issuesは開発者向けです。技術的な更新・訂正などを、詳細とともに教えてください Issues is for the developers.

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Issues is for the developers. Please let me know about the technical update, correction or suggestions with details. Don't forget to attach the references, the conditions and procedure for the reproduction of the problem.

テンプレート / Template:
PCB revision: (ex: Suzuduino UNO V1a)
PC's OS: (ex: Windows 11)
Software: (ex: WCHISPStudio V3.50, Aruduino IDE 2.00, openwch/arduino_core_ch32 v1.03 )

(ex: Cannot read PB8 as input)

Reproduction procedure:

  1. Build the firmware with the following code
  2. Burn it
  3. Press or release the BOOT0 button.
  4. digitalRead(PB8) returnes the same value

(ex: Add the description about the limitation of GPIO)

Minimum code for reproduction of this problem:

constexpr int PIN_LED = PA5;
constexpr int PIN_BUTTON_BOOT0 = PB8;

void setup() {
  pinMode(PIN_LED, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  digitalWrite(PIN_LED, digitalRead(PIN_BUTTON_BOOT0));