
403 Client Error: Forbidden for url

bart3nder opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, I am facing this error while using your script (Requirements installed successfully and API Key and Zone ID are correct):

➜  cf-ip-scanner-py git:(main) python3 start.py
Press CTRL+C to exit...

Enter max IP [5]: 
Enter max ping [500]: 
Enter max jitter [100]: 
Enter max latency [1000]: 
Enter IPs to include (comma seperated, '-' to ignore) []: 
Enter IPs to exclude (comma seperated, '-' to ignore) []: 
Enter test data size in KB [2048]: 
Enter minimum download speed (Mbps) [3.0]: 
Enter minimum upload speed (Mbps) [0.2]: 
Do you want to upload the result to your Cloudflare subdomain (yes/no) [no]? yes
Do you want to delete extisting records of given subdomain before uploading the result to your Cloudflare (yes/no) [yes]? 
Cloudflare email [********]: 
Cloudflare zone ID [************************]: 
Cloudflare API key [************************]: 
Subdomain to modify (i.e ip.my-domain.com) [********]: 
Shuffling the IPs...Done.

9 of 2564096 matched IPs have peen tested.
5 IP(s) found:
| # |       IP      |Ping(ms)|Jit(ms)|Lat(ms)|Up(Mbps)|Down(Mbps)|
|  1| |    135 |    75 |   547 |   0.72 |     4.07 |
|  2|    |    137 |    24 |   516 |   0.72 |     4.05 |
|  3|    |    148 |    43 |   524 |   0.73 |     3.96 |
|  4| |    124 |    38 |   518 |   0.72 |     4.10 |
|  5|  |    138 |    72 |   540 |   0.72 |     3.96 |

IP list successfuly exported to `selected-ips.csv` file.

Deleting existing records...Failed to update Cloudflare subdomain!
403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/zones/************************/dns_records/************************
vfarid commented

You nedd to enter correct zone_id and api_key of cloudflare. May be you used cloudflare token instead of api_key.