microstates in source space
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Is there currently a way, or will there be a way in the future, to produce the microstates in source space rather than in sensor space?
Hey @Winter-Bot,
As if for now, Source space segmentation is not available on Pycrostates. In the long run, this is definitively one of the objectives of the library. However, I can't give a precise date for the implementation.
As far as I know, the only library that implemented it is +microstates. If you are familiar with matlab, you should have a look !
Hi @vferat,
Thanks so much for the response. Yes I am familiar with +microstates and am also considering using it too. I am comparing a number of ways to compare microstates, and each program has there particulars so I will probably end up using a few different ones. The other thing I need to do is use frequency informed microstates such as those from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10548-020-00805-1 or https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26052082/ . I have been pointed to Koenig's eeglab extension, but do not see a way to include the frequency informed states from his paper on topographic time-frequency decomposition. Is that something that may be included in this package at some point as well?