
The module only supports ESM but example is in commonjs

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Initial checklist

  • I read the support docs
  • I read the contributing guide
  • I agree to follow the code of conduct
  • I searched issues and couldn’t find anything (or linked relevant results below)

Affected packages and versions: TODO

Steps to reproduce

  1. TODO
  2. TODO

Link to code example: TODO

Expected behavior


Actual behavior


Hi! It seems some of the things asked in the template are missing? Please edit your post to fill out everything.

  • Initial checklist (todo)
  • Steps to reproduce (todo)
  • Expected behavior (todo)
  • Actual behavior (todo)

You won’t get any more notifications from me, but I’ll keep on updating this comment, and remove it when done!

If you need it, here’s the original template
  Please check the needed checkboxes ([ ] -> [x]) and fill out the TODOs.
  Leave the comments as they are: they won’t show on GitHub.

  Some general tips:
  - Is this really a problem?
  - Is this a problem here?
  - Can this be solved in a different way?

### Initial checklist

*   [ ] I read the support docs <!-- https://github.com/vfile/.github/blob/main/support.md -->
*   [ ] I read the contributing guide <!-- https://github.com/vfile/.github/blob/main/contributing.md -->
*   [ ] I agree to follow the code of conduct <!-- https://github.com/vfile/.github/blob/main/code-of-conduct.md -->
*   [ ] I searched issues and couldn’t find anything (or linked relevant results below) <!-- https://github.com/search?q=user%3Avfile&type=Issues -->

  Please test using the latest version of the relevant packages to make sure
  your issue has not already been fixed. Also make sure you’re on recent versions
  of Node and npm.

Affected packages and versions: TODO

### Steps to reproduce

  How did this happen?
  Please provide a minimal, reproducible example:
  Issues without reproduction steps or code examples may be immediately closed
  as not actionable.

  Here are some starters on codesandbox:
  - remark only (for markdown to markdown): https://codesandbox.io/s/remark-debug-ikwvx
  - remark and rehype (for markdown to html): https://codesandbox.io/s/remark-rehype-debug-4cz8v
  - react-markdown: https://codesandbox.io/s/react-markdown-debug-9n4eg

  Either link to runnable code (not your whole repo) or post the code inline.

1.  TODO
2.  TODO

Link to code example: TODO

### Expected behavior

<!--What should happen?-->


### Actual behavior

<!--What happens instead?-->


<!--do not edit: bug-->

— bb

@malcolm-kee Please adhere to the template.

Hi! This was closed. Team: If this was fixed, please add phase/solved. Otherwise, please add one of the no/* labels.