
Error in get next release

MikaelUmaN opened this issue · 2 comments



or just the example in the README, give:

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-11-6f693796e1c2> in <module>
----> 1 DS.get_next_release_dates(['USCONPRCE'])

/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pydatastream/pydatastream.py in get_next_release_dates(self, mnemonics, n_releases)
    664         reqs = [self.construct_request(mnemonics, f'DS.NDOR{i+1}', static=True)
    665                 for i in range(n_releases)]
--> 666         res_parsed = self.parse_response(self.request_many(reqs))
    668         # Rearrange the output

/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pydatastream/pydatastream.py in parse_response(self, response, return_metadata)
    365             return (res, meta) if return_metadata else res
    366         if 'DataResponses' in response:  # Multiple requests
--> 367             results = [self._parse_one(r) for r in response['DataResponses']]
    368             self.last_metadata = [_[1] for _ in results]
    369             return results if return_metadata else [_[0] for _ in results]

/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pydatastream/pydatastream.py in <listcomp>(.0)
    365             return (res, meta) if return_metadata else res
    366         if 'DataResponses' in response:  # Multiple requests
--> 367             results = [self._parse_one(r) for r in response['DataResponses']]
    368             self.last_metadata = [_[1] for _ in results]
    369             return results if return_metadata else [_[0] for _ in results]

/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pydatastream/pydatastream.py in _parse_one(self, res)
    347         res = pd.concat(res).unstack(level=1).T.sort_index()
    348         res_meta['Currencies'] = meta
--> 349         return res, self._parse_meta(res_meta)
    351     def parse_response(self, response, return_metadata=False):

/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pydatastream/pydatastream.py in _parse_meta(meta)
    302                     res[key] = None
    303                 else:
--> 304                     names = pd.DataFrame(meta[key]).set_index('Key')['Value']
    305                     names.index.name = key.replace('Names', '')
    306                     names.name = 'Name'

/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/core/frame.py in set_index(self, keys, drop, append, inplace, verify_integrity)
   4302         if missing:
-> 4303             raise KeyError(f"None of {missing} are in the columns")
   4305         if inplace:

KeyError: "None of ['Key'] are in the columns"

Looking at the code, i think maybe this construct is incorrect in parse_one:

meta[data_type][v['Symbol']] = {_: v[_] for _ in v if _ != 'Value'}


This is the data returned from the api:

{'DataResponses': [{'AdditionalResponses': None,
   'DataTypeNames': [],
   'DataTypeValues': [{'DataType': 'DS.NDOR1_DATE',
     'SymbolValues': [{'Currency': None,
       'Symbol': 'USCONPRCE',
       'Type': 4,
       'Value': '/Date(1586476800000+0000)/'}]},
    {'DataType': 'DS.NDOR1_DATE_LATEST',
     'SymbolValues': [{'Currency': None,
       'Symbol': 'USCONPRCE',
       'Type': 4,
       'Value': '/Date(1586476800000+0000)/'}]},
    {'DataType': 'DS.NDOR1_TIME_GMT',
     'SymbolValues': [{'Currency': None,
       'Symbol': 'USCONPRCE',
       'Type': 6,
       'Value': '12:30'}]},
    {'DataType': 'DS.NDOR1_DATE_FLAG',
     'SymbolValues': [{'Currency': None,
       'Symbol': 'USCONPRCE',
       'Type': 6,
       'Value': 'Official'}]},
    {'DataType': 'DS.NDOR1_REF_PERIOD',
     'SymbolValues': [{'Currency': None,
       'Symbol': 'USCONPRCE',
       'Type': 4,
       'Value': '/Date(1584230400000+0000)/'}]},
    {'DataType': 'DS.NDOR1_TYPE',
     'SymbolValues': [{'Currency': None,
       'Symbol': 'USCONPRCE',
       'Type': 6,
       'Value': 'NewValue'}]}],
   'Dates': None,
   'SymbolNames': [{'Key': 'USCONPRCE', 'Value': 'USCONPRCE'}],
   'Tag': None}],
 'Properties': None}


Hi @MikaelUmaN
Thanks for the report!
I've fixed that in master - please have a look, and if everything is fine, I'll push it to pypi.

I'll also add tests to make sure that all examples work properly

Version 0.6.2 is on pypi since March 8. Closing