
Static request

Closed this issue · 2 comments


First of all, thank you for this package.

I have a problem when trying to do a static request. For example, running this request
DWE.fetch(['D:BAS','D:BASX','HN:BAS','I:BAF','BFA','@BFFAF','S:BAS'], ['ISIN', 'ISINID', 'NAME'], static=True)
raises the following error:
TypeError: fetch() got an unexpected keyword argument 'static'

I tried upgrading with pip install pydatastream --upgrade but it does not change the outcome.

Do you have an idea what is causing the error ?

Thank you.

Making a copy and importing it as Datastream resolved the issue 👍 It must be related to the upgrade that did not work obviously :-)

Perhaps then a "clean" install with pip uninstall pydatastream and pip install pydatastream should help?

But anyway, I confirm that your request works well for me.