
[Suggestion] Should make this part of the original exploit

Opened this issue · 3 comments

It would be awesome if this was part of the original exploit. You could then run it and then automatically connect to the nc. Would have got round me using public hotspots when trying to mod my phone in public.

I don't know what progress @vgmoose has made, but I could not manage this because of

DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: { () -> Void in jb_go(); })

The exploit runs, the netcat server starts, however it freezes the main thread and I can't even get the alert to show. I don't know enough Swift to mess around more, but overall I am guessing this would be much harder than first thought.


We're currently working on an implementation. I'm just a hobbyist so don't expect much work done anymore once an actual jailbreak is released. Anyway some progress is being made!

You can find this in uroboro's project