
Error: encfs has been disabled because it requires FUSE!

ylaganwsn-devops opened this issue ยท 5 comments

I'm trying to install and run command in macOS Catalina 10.15.7: brew install encfs
but getting error below Error: encfs has been disabled because it requires FUSE!
Error: homebrew/fuse was deprecated. This tap is now empty and all its contents were either deleted or migrated.

As a temporary workaround you can set your system date back to 2021-04-07 and run brew install encfs again:

on_macos do
  disable! date: "2021-04-08", because: "requires FUSE"

I met the same problem today. I am running MacOS Big Sur.
If you are OK to change the system date, I think you can follow the above @jameswald suggestion.
Since I don't want to change the system date, the following is my workaround:

  • Install macfuse manually (if you haven't installed osxfuse or macfuse yet):
$ brew install macfuse

Then I reboot the system. The first reboot might not be necessary because the system will need to reboot again at the first time you use macfuse.

  • Download the Formula locally:

The master version:
OR the commit version I am using when I post this comment:

  • Remove the "disable" line from the file "encfs.rb" with your favorite editor:
on_macos do
  • Now, finally install it:
$ brew install -s encfs.rb

That's all for installation.

Post Installation: When you first use it, for example, when you run encfs ~/foo.encfs ~/foo. The system will popup some warnings. Then you need to allow macfuse at System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General, then reboot. Done.

brew install gromgit/fuse/encfs-mac

@sgon00 sgon00 works for me, thanks ! Any reason to keep this line in a source code?

I met the same problem today. I am running MacOS Big Sur. If you are OK to change the system date, I think you can follow the above @jameswald suggestion. Since I don't want to change the system date, the following is my workaround:

  • Install macfuse manually (if you haven't installed osxfuse or macfuse yet):
$ brew install macfuse

Then I reboot the system. The first reboot might not be necessary because the system will need to reboot again at the first time you use macfuse.

  • Download the Formula locally:

The master version: OR the commit version I am using when I post this comment:

  • Remove the "disable" line from the file "encfs.rb" with your favorite editor:
on_macos do
  • Now, finally install it:
$ brew install -s encfs.rb

That's all for installation.

Post Installation: When you first use it, for example, when you run encfs ~/foo.encfs ~/foo. The system will popup some warnings. Then you need to allow macfuse at System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General, then reboot. Done.

I have MacOS Big Sur v11.6.8. I have managed to install MacFuse (or at least I think I have) I obtained the encfs.rb raw file saved it as encfs.rb at my root. When I type brew install -s encfs.rb it comes up with the following:

Running 'brew update --auto-update'...
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 2 taps (homebrew/core and homebrew/cask).

Error: Failed to load cask: encfs.rb
Cask 'encfs' is unreadable: wrong constant name #<Class:0x000000011dddb620>
Warning: Treating encfs.rb as a formula.
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /Users/**${USERNAME}**/Library/Caches/Homebrew/downloads/b7e6a8d765e922edeb8c04f5ab7c0cf464c50f7d025f07b85cbf4e824f1bfdf9--cmake-3.24.0.bottle_manifest.json
Error: encfs: Failed to download resource "cmake_bottle_manifest"
The downloaded GitHub Packages manifest was corrupted or modified (it is not valid JSON): 

Any suggestions on what I could do to overcome this?