
HTTP mode waits for end of all invocations before writing the results

leokondrashov opened this issue · 2 comments

Version & Branch

main branch, HTTP mode (used by OpenWhisk and AWS Lambda modes).

Expected Behaviour

Write trace logs and output files right after getting response from server.

Actual Behaviour

Wait for all invocations and then write both to the logs and durations file.

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

  1. Run any trace with > 1 invocation in OpenWhisk or AWS Lambda mode with trace verbosity. Correct response info will be printed after all invocations are finished.

Additional Info

This was originally used in OpenWhisk mode, after that extracted to InvokeHTTP function and reused by AWS Lambda mode.

@MashaNes @cvetkovic Seems that you were the original authors of OpenWhisk mode. Is there any reason for the Wait() here?

This is so that OpenWhisk performance is not affected by running the workload and querying the results simultaneously.