
Can't open/save file on local storage

KrrixhhDotExe opened this issue · 2 comments

Android 11
Vivo Y15

Hello, the app has storage permissions yet I'm not able to open files from local storage.
Whenever I try to do so, a dialog box appears with error "Opening Local Folders Unsupported : Your browser doesn't support opening local folders, you can either open single files or open a remote repository"

Upon clicking on "Open files" the app gets buggy but nothing happens.

It has to do with givin the built in termux root previlages , if you find any solution tell me , imma try to and tell u

If I am right then this has todo with the browser / due to limitations of android , not because of the editor as the feature doesnt also work on on vscode.dev.

Tho there is an easier way to open local files/folders by simply clicking on menu->File->Open Folder and in the menu box put /storage/emulated/0/(any folder you want , refer to the below image for more info)
By doing this you can access the internal storage of the device
