
Slow editor while terminal running web server

andrew-c0 opened this issue · 2 comments

I've looked into this but couldn't find the particular issue.

So, I'm running a simple app from the termux terminal (just create a react app from vite, simplest one available would do), and the code-server works very very slow. I've tried multiple:

  • run web server, then open editor => still sluggish
  • clear editor cache => still sluggish
  • increase virtual RAM for device => still sluggish

I've tested the experience using Termux as separate app and running the server from there, then opening code-server individually in vhe-editor and checking if the performance is still slow, but it seems like not.

Any idea what could cause this? I would like to debug more, please let me know how can I be of help.

I feel this issue is somehow related to #246
Please confirm.

How do I add a python interpreter please .....

I've tried all I could ..
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