
File not found when build: cs-aarch64.tgz

SavingPot opened this issue · 4 comments

Last time, I asked how to build VHEditor, and you told me I must checkout all child modules, I am not sure if I stands for I should run "git submodule update --init --recursive", I ran the command and the result changed, when I think I will succeed, I throws the exception: "D:\Projects\VHEditor-Android\app\src\main\cpp\vsc-bootstrap-zip.S:10:14: error: Could not find incbin file 'cs-aarch64.tgz'"

And don't close the comment directly, please. Last time you closed it before my response, so I must open a new issue. Remember not to close it, I will do it for you, thank you!

vhqtvn commented

The file will be downloaded when you sync project in Android studio.

Do you mean "Files -> Sync project with Gradle Files"? I did it but I doesn't work