
Documentation is unusable

Opened this issue · 3 comments

There isn't a single link in the generated index.html !

Have you looked at the class documentation in annotated.html? The documentation is planned to be expanded with examples in the future as well.

I aggre with Bu11etmagnet, documentation its not working, meabe theres more documentation on the site or another place? i really look into this library, but the information aviable its kinda confusing. plz

Specific topic I'd like to see covered is prepared statements. Outside of trivial examples, where they are destroyed immediately after first use, I cannot tell what is a correct client side caching strategy for them.

So far I found out they cannot be application scoped. After the first use they keep returning the same result, not reflecting DB server side changes.

UPDATE: as of 11/2020 there is an official MariaDB C++ library