
newer version or protocol of vial gui not able to read or configure keyboard layout.

CameronWeller opened this issue · 5 comments

there is an associated error window output, pasted below. And a device that was compiled a long time ago on an older firmware version ~mid 2021 was able to be configured and the matrix tested on the same version of the GUI.

the newer compiled keyboard is unable to work with older versions of the vial GUI, I get an error specifying a protocol change.

File "", line 279, in on_devices_updated File "", line 283, in on_device_selected File "autorefresh\", line 79, in select_device File "", line 51, in open File "protocol\", line 79, in reload File "protocol\", line 153, in reload_layout TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str

xyzz commented

the newer compiled keyboard is unable to work with older versions of the vial GUI, I get an error specifying a protocol change.

You need to use the newest available version of Vial, there is no goal of forwards compatibility (only backwards compatibility)

the newer compiled keyboard is unable to work with older versions of the vial GUI, I get an error specifying a protocol change.

You need to use the newest available version of Vial, there is no goal of forwards compatibility (only backwards compatibility)

I am not saying that was the issue. Just wanted to specify that I tried ;(

xyzz commented

If you get a protocol version error with the latest version of Vial, then it means you're trying to use it with a VIA keyboard which is no longer supported. You should be either 1) using the VIA application with that keyboard, or 2) flash the Vial firmware on the keyboard following manufacturers instructions

(Before I continue I just want to say I appreciate your help and effort making this project)

But yeah this is a custom keyboard that wrote the config for and am flashing myself. I only ever intended to use this keyboard project of mine with vial support, I have not built any via support into the project except what was necessary for getting vial up and running.

I created a completely fresh clone of the repo Monday the 19th before this issue was submitted. And proceeded to compile the firmware then.

I was just having the same issue - this occurs if matrix.rows and matrix.cols are strings in vial.json, instead of numbers. Ensuring these don't have quotes should solve the issue.