
How to get user credentials to use the extension ?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug
How to get user credentials to use the extension ?

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Build and install as given
  3. On clicking Browser icon, it shows login form, but where to register ?


Good question. The develop branch still has hardcoded dependencies. I'm a couple of days away from merging, which separates all vendor specific logic. So on develop for now you need a VoIPGRID account, but when the work in the other branch is done, you can use the voip user adapter to login to any sip provider that supports sip over websocket & webrtc.

The current develop branch has a default build called Bologna, which builds as a generic softphone. There are some references on the documentation site ( on how to setup a sip-over-websocket backend. Otherwise you would need a VoIP provider that supports this functionality.