Custom stdin
NefixEstrada opened this issue · 5 comments
First of all thanks for this awesome tool, it's really useful!
There's a feature that I think would be really useful: being able to set a custom stdin for a command / execution.
For example: I want to test the password change feature of the app I'm testing. It's through the CLI and it asks for the old password and the new one twice
I'd be nice to have something like this:
action: exec:run
target: $appTarget
comment: This will change the password
- command: ./app passwd
- oldpwd
- newpwd
- newpwd
It would be even better to be able to set custom waits between stdin entries!
Interesting use case,
I've updated execution service documentation detailing how you can control STDIN
Added timeout and terminators override on the command level, hope that would help your case (for now available in github master).
Also as reference for executor service:
Thanks! It works flawlessly!! Have you thought of creating a documentation site or something like that? The tool is awesome, but I find myself too often reading the code and trying to understand how things work, since there's a lot of documentation that is either outdated or not at the place I'd expect or non existent
Thanks for the feedback.
Contributors are more than welcome.
Comprehensive documentation is tough, but the separate site is a great idea.
It's mostly myself, thus not much time to do all alongside hundreds of other initiatives,
Currently, when revisiting some functionality I'm updating documentation with usage little by little
within a given service.
You can also use endly introduction project to get you up to speed with endly:
Note that there is also endly slack channel #endly
Ok, I'll drop myself there!