
Change to XY straffing while in the map don't allow to exit the map ?

blinard-BIOINFO opened this issue · 1 comments

This may be an issue or maybe I missed some button combination ?
To reproduce:

  • use a 6 butons pad
  • go to the map with X
  • push start to go into menu, activate the YZ strafing option
  • push start to exit the menu
  • it is now impossible to exit the map (or is there a hidden button combination?)

A suggestion for future updates and gameplay confort :

It appears that currently the MODE button (right trigger) is not used.
When using the 6 buttons pad, displaying/exiting the map could be done via the MODE button.
(Alternatively, MODE could be weapon change, if the map remains assigned to the XYZ button not used for strafing).

In all case, congrats for your v2.0 release which is impressive.

In the absence of a dedicated button, use START+C to toggle the automap.