
Save malfunction v3.0a

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Save feature completely non-functional on Mega Everdrive x3. Doesn't ever register reaching a checkpoint even after completing several levels.

Problem encounterted on this hardware:
Mega Everdrive x3, Lexar 2GB Micro SD card
Model 1 Sega Genesis, Signetics processor
Model 1 Sega CD
Launch Sega 32x

Doom 32X Resurrection -

Please try this ROM patch + drop this file into MEGA/SAVE directory on your SD cart so that the game would be able to detect an old Everdrive model:

Be sure to reset your MED using the button on the MED. I'm not sure if your MED is old enough, but old models only saved the "save ram" to SD upon reset via the button on the MED. Pushing the console reset button or cycling the power results in any save ram being lost. At some point, krikzz changed the design so that writing to the save ram actually saved to SD cart RIGHT THEN, but I have no idea which model MED and which rev OS this occurred on.

My old MED (no X at all, just MED) is one of those that needs to be reset via the button on the MED to save the save ram to SD. My new MED Pro does not.

Fixed in v3.1