
inner movement behavior in Nu files

Closed this issue · 5 comments

In Vim, when I position my cursor like such (where | is the cursor):

"this is a sen|tence in quotes"

and in normal mode I type ci" I am left with:


and if I type ca" I am left with:


However in Vico, whether I type ci" or ca" it behaves like ca".

Is this an intentional difference or a bug?

Note from @Shadowfiend: this is a language-specific bug that definitely affects Nu files. It may also affect other file types, that is unclear.

wezm commented

What (programming) language was that document set to? I've noticed ci doesn't behave properly for some languages, but as you expect for others.

Ah, good call. I was in my, so the language was Nu. In Objective C it works fine. I'm leaving this open in hopes maybe myself or someone else can submit a patch for it.

Do you mind updating the title to indicate that this is an issue in Nu (and perhaps the description to indicate it may be an issue in other languages as well)?

that ^ should fix this

As an update, to pull in the above fix into your local bundles, pull up your preferences, go to the bundles tab, and double-click on the Nu bundle. It'll download the latest version and reload, and the inner word text object should work in quotes.