IE9 XDomainRequest content-type headers possible?
chrisan opened this issue · 1 comments
chrisan commented
I noticed this TODO in the source:
// TODO: XDomainRequest only accepts text/plain Content-Type header
// TODO: XDomainRequest doesn't like other headers
Also this from MS
Curious what you had min mind for a workaround, if anything for this
victorquinn commented
Umm, I didn't have anything in mind for a workaround.
The second comment there was just a reference to number (3) from the article you linked (I actually linked to the same article in the source).
Since XDomainRequest won't accept any content-type or custom headers, there is no workaround provided for this library as it can't reliably work. The workaround I suppose, if you want to support IE with this library is "don't rely on content-type headers" in your code.