
dbv on Mac OS X 10.9.x

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi there,

I didn't have too much luck installing the php extension dependencies for dbv (gettext and intl) on Mac OS X 10.9.5.

Gettext seems to install OK as per this tutorial -
I followed the same process for the which seemed to go ok, however when trying to access dbv/index.php in browser the following error appears:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function bind_textdomain_codeset() in /Path/to/dbv/config.php on line 54

There seems to be little about this issue on the web, however some suggestions that the Mac OS X version of the internationalisation library doesn't have this method.

My workaround so far is to change line 54 of config.php to:
if (function_exists('bind_textdomain_codeset')) bind_textdomain_codeset(DEFAULT_DOMAIN, DEFAULT_ENCODING);

Any other thoughts?



Just include "" extension in your "php.ini" file with complete path like this:

NOTE: Update the path accordingly.

The gettext dependency is no longer mandatory since #66