
Only create GraphQL schema and resolver for existing project.

atange opened this issue · 3 comments

The project is existed use mongoose orm,it is already defined models,Except for the lack of resolvers and schemes.
graphql-joker can creat three,undate three use joker resource xxx。It is no promblem when I define a new model,but how to improve the simplest in an old project.Rewrite it and overwrite the original models?

Hi @sonong, I copied Joker's help here. Use schema and resolver command. You can create a compound command from these two command and name it graphql 😀
Do you want to implement that? See resource and nestable's implementation, you can get an idea how to implement it.


  app        Create an GraphQL application.             
  model      Create a model file.                       
  schema     Create a GraphQL schema file.              
  resolver   Create a GraphQL resolver file.            
  resource   Create a group of API resource.            
  nestable   Create a group of nestable data structure. 
  uploader   Create an uploader.                        
  destroy    Destroy generated content.

Thank you ,joker schema User name:String,can success create only schemas/User.gql .Although I read the graphql-joker many times ,look without seeing.May be my chinglish.I'll read it again.

Hi @sonong, I think I haven't add doc for that. feel free to add it to the doc