- Challenge time: rest of the day and weekend, until Monday 9am
- Feel free to use Google, your notes, books, etc. but work on your own
- If you refer to the solution of another coach or student, please put a link to that in your README
- If you have a partial solution, still check in a partial solution
- You must submit a pull request to this repo with your code by 9am Monday morning
As usual please start by forking this repo.
We are going to write a small Twitter clone that will allow the users to post messages to a public stream.
- User Story 1
- User Story 2
- User Story 3
- User Story 4
- User Story 5
- User Story 6
- User Story 7
As a Maker
So that I can let people know what I am doing
I want to post a message (peep) to chitter
As a maker
So that I can see what others are saying
I want to see all peeps in reverse chronological order
As a Maker
So that I can better appreciate the context of a peep
I want to see the time at which it was made
As a Maker
So that I can post messages on Chitter as me
I want to sign up for Chitter
As a Maker
So that only I can post messages on Chitter as me
I want to log in to Chitter
As a Maker
So that I can avoid others posting messages on Chitter as me
I want to log out of Chitter
As a Maker
So that I can stay constantly tapped in to the shouty box of Chitter
I want to receive an email if I am tagged in a Peep
- psql
- \c chitter;
- \dt
Let's create a directory for the database setup called db, and a sub-directory within it, migrations.
- db/
- migrations/
- 01_create_peeps_table.sql
- psql
- CREATE DATABASE chitter_test;
- \c chitter_test;
- \dt
Let's create a directory for the database setup called db, and a sub-directory within it, migrations.
- db/
- migrations/
- 01_create_peeps_table.sql