
Unable to load model error still occurring

uptogodown opened this issue · 9 comments

Still getting the "unable to load model error", I am on Linux Mint latest version using the one setp install script:

git clone && cd llama.cpp && make -j && cd models && wget -c

After it has completed it's install I go to use Vicuna

~/llama.cpp$ ./main -m ggml-vic13b-uncensored-q5_1.bin -f 'prompts/chat-with-vicuna-v1.txt' -r 'User:' --temp 0.36

main: build = 632 (787aadf)
main: seed = 1687195202
error loading model: failed to open ggml-vic13b-uncensored-q5_1.bin: No such file or directory
llama_init_from_file: failed to load model
llama_init_from_gpt_params: error: failed to load model 'ggml-vic13b-uncensored-q5_1.bin'
main: error: unable to load model

Thank you for the development, I hope this let me know if anything is needed.

This should now be fixed.

I have just manually removed & reinstalled using all the commands listed and the issue is still here, I am on Linux Mint 20.3 .

Did you remove the whole llama.cpp folder?

If your folder still exists navigate to it and run

git pull

Then run

make -j

And you should be able to load the model.

How is it going?
Did it work now?

No luck, did the commands and still says "unable to lad model":
~/llama.cpp$ ./main -m ggml-vic13b-uncensored-q5_1.bin -f 'prompts/chat-with-vicuna-v1.txt' -r 'User:' --temp 0.36
main: build = 732 (afd983c)
main: seed = 1687442258
error loading model: failed to open ggml-vic13b-uncensored-q5_1.bin: No such file or directory
llama_init_from_file: failed to load model
llama_init_from_gpt_params: error: failed to load model 'ggml-vic13b-uncensored-q5_1.bin'
main: error: unable to load model

Please advise what OS(s) you are running it on that work.
Just if it helps I am using the 5.4.0-152-generic kernel

Arch Linux

Hi, I am still having the issues, I have latest Linux Mint 20.2 & tried on PopOS but I am still having the issue of being unable to load the model, tried reinstalling multiple times, git pull & make -j and still isn't working.