
Could not load font. Config does not exist.

OtakoidTony opened this issue · 1 comments

I want to play DDLC 3DS with korean. So I tested my modified DDLC 3DS after patch in korean. What I did when I translated DDLC 3DS is replacing the original font to a font what supports Korean Letters and its format was .ttf and translating some scripts and characters' names.
When I test with Love2D、it was seemed to successful. So I installed a cia rom what I compiled with make cia on my N3DS. However、I was gotten a black screen with "Could not load font. Config does not exist.". Does LovePotion not support ttf? What should I do for DDLC 3DS with Korean?

Sorry for my bad english.

Well... It will be not able to be solved...