
A user should see the favorited state of a POI on the marker preview view and on the extended view for a POI

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Each time a user selects a marker for previewing it's details, the imageview associated with the favorited state of the marker element should reflect it's currently favorited state as fetched from the remote server.

For figuring out the favorited state of the marker issue this GET request to the backend:
GET /api/favorites/marked/:favorited_object_id/:favorited_object_type/:user_id

Additional info and more API endpoints are to be found on the repository at /apidoc using username: bicito and password: apiel.

Hola Vidri, no me puedo logear con username: bicito and password: apiel para poder ver los marcadores, tendrás otra cuenta ? o sabrás si esta arriba el server ?

El backend en no tiene el apidoc activado, pero la última versión del repo si lo tiene, debería servir. Avísame si no pifa.