
Perl support using Perlito

jarble opened this issue · 4 comments

It seems that Klipse is not yet able to compile and run Perl scripts in a browser, but it should be possible to do this using Perlito. Will Klipse be able to run Perl scripts using this interpreter?

Great idea @jarble.

I started to work on Perl support here but I need your help though as I know nothing about Perl.

Could you please provide 3 different perl6 code snippets and make sure they run properly in this Perlito test page

If it goes well, I will be happy to add Perl support in Klipse.

I tried to run this example from Rosetta Code, but it doesn't seem to work correctly with Perlito's perl6 compiler. I've used Perlito with some perl5 programs, and it runs correctly in many cases.

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