
Iterative Solvers - Matrix Output?

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It seems that almost all the solvers (i.e. A = xB) in ViennaCL return a vector result. The exception being the use of LU decomposition (example here). Whereas all the iterative solvers show a vector result see here. If I want the solution matrix of a real matrix with respect to the corresponding identity matrix I am currently using the combination of lu_factorize and lu_substitute. Is that currently the only option for the full matrix result or is there another way to use the functions or to use the returned vector result?

The LU factorization alters the input matrix, whereas the iterative solvers don't alter the matrix.

Conceivably one could add an overload of solve() with e.g. a lu_tag that carries out an LU factorization. However, I'm a bit concerned about potential misuses of such an interface (dense matrices used with iterative solvers, or sparse matrices used with lu_tag, for which there is no implementation).

@karlrupp wouldn't it be feasible to have a restriction on template types using something like static_assert or enable_if? That way an informed error could be thrown for the non-implemented sparse matrix type until such a time that one does exist?