
Error, when trying to receive SystemConfig Entity - $configurationValue is of wrong type.

sfxon opened this issue · 3 comments

sfxon commented

When try to read one entry in the system configuration, like that:

$systemConfigRepository = RepositoryFactory::create(SystemConfigDefinition::ENTITY_NAME);
$criteria = new Criteria();
$criteria->addFilter(new EqualsFilter('configurationKey', 'MyFavApiTest.config.receiver'));
$result = $systemConfigRepository->search($criteria, $context);

I get an error:

Cannot assign string to property Vin\ShopwareSdk\Data\Entity\SystemConfig\SystemConfigEntity::$configurationValue of type ?array

I changed configurationValue in SystemConfigEntity to data-type of string, and it is working.
Is this really an error, or am I doing something wrong?

Shop: Shopware on PHP 8
App: Symfony 6 on PHP 8

The one that produces the error, is the app.

Thanks for all the good work, so far.
It's a pleasure to work with that library.

Hi @sfxon
Thanks for reporting it, I will check the issue and comeback to you soon

@sfxon Hi, I investigated the issue, it's actually an issue in the core that the return type is not matched with the actual value. I adapted the hot-fix in the latest SDK version

But the more valid way to retrieve system config is using this service instead so the error will not happend

sfxon commented

Fantastic work. Thank you very much.

I will switch to SystemConfigService shortly, I think.
Didn't notice, there's even a finished service for that.