Deprecation Log Entries and Unmapped Attributes in MediaThumbnailEntity - shopware-php-sdk v2.0.0 Compatibility Issue
ThomasAKaestner opened this issue · 1 comments
I am encountering deprecation log entries when using the latest version (v2.0.0) of the vienthuong/shopware-php-sdk with Shopware version The issue arises specifically when making the following call:
$criteria = new Criteria(); $criteria->addFilter(new EqualsFilter('productNumber', $sku)); $criteria->addAssociations(['media']);
The deprecation log entries include messages like:
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Vin\ShopwareSdk\Data\Entity\MediaThumbnail\MediaThumbnailEntity::$path is deprecated in /var/task/vendor/vin-sw/shopware-sdk/src/Data/Entity/Entity.php on line 40
Here are more examples of the debug message:
It appears that Shopware has released additional attributes to their API, which are not properly mapped in the Vin\ShopwareSdk\Data\Entity\Media\MediaEntity
. The missing attribute is not the problem here. The problem is in my opinion that it is logged as an deprecated attribute. Could we instead please ignore this attribute?