AI-powered assistant to help you with your daily tasks, powered by Llama 3.2. It can recognize your voice, process natural language, and perform various actions based on your commands: summarizing text, rephasing sentences, answering questions, writing emails, and more.
- 2
Segmentation fault when asking a new question while the model is generating previous answer
#11 opened by gallegi - 1
Error re: "unable to find libwhisper" when running llama-assistant from the command line
#6 opened by adhulipa - 1
exe crashes on Windows 10
#5 opened by nigelp - 0
- 1
- 1
- 0
LLamaIndex Integration
#13 opened by vietanhdev - 0
Implement Mini Apps
#15 opened by vietanhdev - 0
Integrate Computer Use
#14 opened by vietanhdev - 0
- 2
#7 opened by jiyongfeng - 3
- 2
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
#2 opened by marcelocecin