
More fields? Better fields?

joshuapease opened this issue · 0 comments

I followed our base module's implementation pretty closely... but now's a great time to improve upon what we're sending to Notion.

A few ideas below... but would love to hear more.

  • Flag if the site is multisite or not.
  • Some way of grouping multisite projects together (maybe using the default site name?)
  • Use a multi-select for plugins and modules.
    • This would let us filter a little better (which sites use X plugin).
    • Not sure how we'd handle versions. Maybe we could make a multi select item for just the plugin name... and also one for the specific version.
      • SeoMatic & SeoMatic:1.0.0 <- Then you could find sites with either a specific plugin.... or a specific version of that plugin.
      • Could alternatively be two separate columns Plugins and Plugin Versions.