Base.js error
kaspar-allenbach opened this issue · 1 comments
kaspar-allenbach commented
Hi. I have the following error in the console:
These two lines in base.js trigger the warning:
Wna = function(a) {
var b = ""
, c = a.$.assets.js || "";
0 == c.indexOf("//") && (c = + ":" + c);
window.console.warn(c); // this seems to trigger the warning.
"/base.js" == c.substr(-8) && (b = c.substr(0, c.length - 8) + "/");
b = new pz(a.g,b);
c = {};
c.loaded = (0,
g.z)(a.Bv, a);
c.unloaded = (0,
g.z)(a.Cv, a);
c.destroyed = (0,
g.z)(a.No, a); = c;
return b
My code is just this:
{% set video = craft.embedder.url(entry.youtubeLink, {max_width:500, max_height:800, youtube_showinfo:0}) %}
<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">{{ video.embed_code }}</div>
<h3 class="videoTitle">{{ video.video_title }}</h3>
All is working fine, I just wonder where these warnings come from.
davist11 commented
Those warnings appear to just be coming from the YouTube JS, which aren't anything that can be controlled in this plugin.