Official PlatformIO IDE for Atom
ivankravets opened this issue · 3 comments
I've released today official version of PlatformIO IDE for Atom. It has built-in @platformio CLI tool and doesn't require additional steps from user's side. Only "Install Package" & " Use It".
@efatsi, I want to say big THANK YOU 👍 for your efforts and this package. I don't know what we should to do with this package. Do you think that we should support both packages?
Ping @RomFouq, @IoTAdri, @donnib, @sergeychernyshev, @gingebot, @reagent, @jeancdc
I tried it and it works well!
But the intelligent code completion does'nt work. Is there an option to enable?
@jeancdc Dod you install Clang? Please read instruction
Yes, I installed Clang but I didn't have include the Arduino.h header file.
Now it works. Thank!