
[Explore] Guide preview page - Link creator username to creator user profile on guides index

Closed this issue · 3 comments


When viewing a guide, user can navigate to creator's profile by clicking on their username

Acceptance Criteria

  • on explore page, user can navigate to a guide's creator's profile by clicking on either:
    • the creator's profile picture
    • the creator's username
    • Question: is it hard to do this for both pfp and username? If it is, just link on the username, not the pfp
  • user can complete above actions in:
    • guide preview (on the guides index)
    • guide detail page


explore > post preview > guide and explore > post preview > post details link to explore > view user profile

Screenshot 2023-07-12 at 5 25 46 PM

Screenshot 2023-07-12 at 5 28 49 PM

@clatwell I added linking the username to the profile page in a second view (post details) too

  • does this make sense in terms of ordering? I assume I'd have to make a ticket to make the post details view, then prioritize it above this ticket in order for this to work out. I kind of assumed that makes sense anyway: does it?
  • Is it best practice to combine similar tickets (linking username in two different views) or separate them out into two tickets (make one for linking username in post preview view, and another for linking username in post details view)
    • I would assume it would be better to break into smaller tasks (option 2), but wanted to add it onto this ticket to keep track of just in case

@anyaparekh I removed creator profile pic from here too, lmk if you don't like that move :)

@sadiefinn this ticket is excellent! I think it does make sense as one ticket. Couple other quick notes:

  • Anya updated posts to guides in the code, so I think we can call the two places that need updating "guide preview (on the guides index)" and "guide detail page"
  • The guide detail page already exists, actually! It's the second screenshot in this PR. Later, Anya will need to add a check to this page so that only the user who created a Guide can add activities to it.
  • This ticket is dependent on the user auth stuff + guides belonging to users + user profile page build out, so this might be one of the last things that we do!