
[Search] Filtered fields should stay visible after a search

Closed this issue · 1 comments


Expected Behavior: after a search, the searched city test should be visible in the location bar, and the selected tags should be visible under the filters. + users should be able to "research" using previously entered data (added 7/31)

Current Behavior: after a search, no text appears in the location bar, and no tags appear under the filters. + user cannot use previously searched data in a new search (added 7/31)

Estimate: 2 hours

Acceptance Criteria

  • city name should continue to be displayed in the location bar after it has been search
  • selected tags should populate under the filters after they have been searched
  • + previously searched data should be "researchable" (added 7/31)
    • ex. if a user filters by the tags "eat" and "learn", then decide they want to also filter by "free", when they click the free tag, the previously selected "eat" and "learn" tags should stay searched until unselected)

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@rkoch2 added more to this ticket--let me know if it doesn't belong here, or you have any questions/concerns