
[Create] validate required fields

Closed this issue · 1 comments


Validate required fields in create flow

Estimate: 2 hours

Acceptance Criteria

  • when a user tries to move to the next screen in create flow, check that all required fields are completed on the current page
  • required fields for the guide overview:
    • guide title
    • city name
    • guide cover photo
  • required fields for each activity the user has added:
    • activity title
    • activity photo
    • activity location
    • activity duration (hours and minutes)
    • prompt input
  • if the user attempts to continue without completing all required fields:
    • they will not move off the current page
    • the missing required fields will be highlighted
    • an error banner will appear
      • the banner should be dismissible
  • the "add activity" button should always be clickable

Design Comps

Create - Error


currently blocked bc we're deciding on which behavior to implement fixed!