
[Bug] Indicate current page on navbar when viewing guide details and another user's profile

Closed this issue · 1 comments


Note: navbar indication = relevant icon filled in in purple
Expected behavior:

  • when viewing another user's guide details or profile, navbar indicates that the user is on the explore page
  • when viewing guide details from a guide created by the user, navbar indicates that the user in on their profile page
    • I don't have comps for this, but checked with Anabel

Current behavior: navbar does not indicate a user's current page when viewing guide details or another user's profile

Steps to replicate

Testing link: Soli

  1. click into a guide to see guide details
  2. click onto another user's profile
  3. in your profile, click into guide details on on of your own guides

Design Comps

Explore Page - Guide Details


Explore Page - Another User's Profile


Screen recording
rkoch2 commented

Anya and I paired on this this morning, but weren't able to figure it out. Going to mark it as blocked for now and will hopefully come back to it at the end.