
Welcome to MedDevs!

Our project is dedicated to revolutionizing healthcare accessibility and convenience through innovative technology. Whether you're a patient seeking remote healthcare services or a healthcare provider looking to streamline your practice, our platform offers a comprehensive solution tailored to your needs.


MedDevs is an online platform designed to facilitate remote healthcare services, providing a seamless experience for patients, healthcare providers, caregivers, and health organizations. Our goal is to enhance communication, accessibility, and efficiency in healthcare delivery, ultimately improving health outcomes and well-being for all.

Getting Started

Ready to experience the future of healthcare? Visit MedDevs and start your journey towards better health and well-being today!

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd Next-js_Team_MedDevs

  3. Install dependencies: npm install

  4. Start the development server: npm run dev

  5. Access the application at http://localhost:3000.

How to Use

To get started with MedDevs, follow these simple steps:

  1. Sign Up or Log In: If you're a new user, sign up for an account. If you're already registered, log in using your credentials.
  2. Explore Features: Take some time to explore the various features and functionalities of the platform, including: . Appointment booking . Video consultations with the assigned Doctor . Medicine Prescriber Chatbot . Dietitian Chatbot . Fund Raiser to support free camps and health care check-ups
  3. Personalize Your Experience
  4. Connect with Healthcare Providers: Use our platform to connect with healthcare providers, schedule appointments, and communicate securely from the comfort of your home.
  5. Get Involved: Participate in fundraising initiatives and community events to support broader healthcare causes and initiatives.

