
dotfiles for vim,bash,etc

Primary LanguageVim Script

This set up works for C, Python and Javascript at the moment

Instructions on how to get this up and running

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run setup_ubuntu.sh
  3. Run Install.py with the right arguments in YouCompleteMe for autocompletion(Should this be its own script?)
  4. Install Powerline Fonts for vim here (TODO make this into its own script)
  5. Use adobe source pro font medium so that there's abit more margin between lines. Gnome terminal doesn't give the ability to edit this manually unlike terminal in mac

Make bash look good with base16-shell

This is a todo

  1. Download base-16 shell scripts
  2. Follow instructions on the documentation to install and ensure that terminal supports 256 colors
  3. Use base16_default-dark for a theme thats easy on the eyes

Things to Note

  1. Use the adobe source pro font instsalled from the fonts for vim-powerline/airline. Gives abit of margin between lines. This helps with using Vim on Ubuntu since gnome terminal doe'snt give the ability to do this manually

Make Unity look good

  1. Use flat theme
  2. Plank for dock
  3. And make boxes transparent

Do this for better palm rejection
