
simple parser that reads JavaScript files and converts them to markdown files with the comments as normal text and the code in code blocks.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This crude little module converts JavaScript files to MarkDown files. It puts the multi-line comments as the normal text, and the code into code blocks.

This is useful when you want commented code in a MarkDown format (for a README.md for instance).


npm i -g

js2md index.js > README.md


This README.md is the effect of running js2md on index.js

Prepping variables

var output
var hasbegun
var incomments

var title = /([^#]|^)#[^#]/
var openingComment = /\/\*/
var closingComment = /\*\//

var indent

Reading the file

For reading the file I used the line-by-line module

Reading lines

lr.on('line', function (line) {

  var toWrite = null
  var change = false

  if(incomments) {
    if(closingComment.test(line)) {
      change = true
      toWrite = hasbegun && '\n```javascript\n'
  } else {
    if(openingComment.test(line)) {
      change = true
      toWrite = hasbegun && '```\n\n'
  if(hasbegun) {
    if(toWrite) {
      output += toWrite
    } else {
      output += line.slice(indent) + '\n'
  } else if(incomments && (hasbegun = line.match(title))) {
    indent = hasbegun.index + hasbegun[0].indexOf('#')
    output = line.slice(indent) + '\n'

  if(change) {
    incomments = !incomments


When we're done

lr.on('end', function () {
  output += '```\n\n'

Error handling

lr.on('error', function (err) {
  throw err