
Spelling errors not found unless :LanguageToolCheck is called before :LanguageToolSetUp

mawkler opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug

I have a weird issue with getting LanguageTool to point out spelling errors. The only way I can get it to highlight them is like this:

  1. > nvim
  2. :LanguageToolCheck (throws an error)
  3. :LanguageToolSetUp
  4. :LanguageToolCheck

The file contains the following:

This plugn can uses job feature on Vim 8.0.27 (or later) or Neovim. It's enable asynchronous comand executin so you dont need to be blcked untill the check have been done on Vim8+ or Neovim.

If I skip step 2 the spelling errors are not discovered LanguageTool, and it only points out the "dont" (which is a grammar error) and nothing else. They don't show up in :LanguageToolSummary either.

This is my init.vim:

call plug#begin('~/.vim/bundle')
  Plug 'vigoux/LanguageTool.nvim'
call plug#end()

let g:languagetool_server_command = '/usr/bin/languagetool --http'

To Reproduce

Follow the steps described above, but skip step 2.

Expected behavior

Spelling errors are highlighted without doing step 2.


When all four steps are followed:
Screenshot from 2021-03-23 17-06-55

When step 2 is skipped:
Screenshot from 2021-03-23 17-07-50

I'm on Arch Linux.

I was able to fix this by making sure native spell check was off before running :LanguageToolSetUp
I also use arch btw