
Confused on how to make this work with arch linux's LanguageTool package.

SeniorMars opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello, I've been trying to migrate from to this, and to set it up with the arch package, I just had this.

let g:languagetool_cmd='/usr/bin/languagetool'
let g:languagetool_lang="en-US"

I tried to read the documentation for this plugin and thought it was a simple:

let g:languagetool_server_command='/usr/bin/languagetool'

and do :LanguagetoolSetUp, however this have given me the error that I haven't started the server. I'm a bit confused on this and would appropriate the help.

Use this:

let g:languagetool_server_command = '/usr/bin/languagetool --http'

On LanguageTool 5.3, I found that this would attempt to open a GUI. What worked for me (using the 5.3 package from nixpkgs) was:

let g:languagetool_server_command = system('which languagetool-http-server')