
Some suggestions

Opened this issue · 6 comments

nice work, I am always waiting for a nice vim plugin for language-tool, but no one is perfect.

First suggestion is could you specify that languagetool-server.jar is needed, not languagetool-server? MacOS's brew offer a languagetool-server cli when you brew install languagetool. It will save time to config.

Second suggestion is that when you do LanguageToolCheck, a java app is started and a java docker icon appear. Could we avoid this?

Third suggestion is that could you do some test on other language, for example Japanese, due to some coding problem, not every languagetool vim plugin can show the result correctly. I try this plugin, and I can not highlight for some problem and I can not jump to problem text block correctly.

Thank you for your comment!

For the configuration issue, I'll add a new option asap to directly specify the command to run LanguageTool-server.

Second and third suggestion might be solved in some time, when we will be using a remote plugin for LanguageTool.nvim.
I noticed that, for some reason, error highlighting is behaving weirdly, I'm working on this RN. Using remote plugin will give us more flexibility, and hopefully better compatibility with other languages

Can you provide me a sample text in Japanese, with errors, and the location where errors should be, so that I can try and fix the issue ?

You can use sample text form languagetool website, just set their sample language to Japanese.

For some reason, I have trouble checking Japanese on my side, did 3dadaf7 fixed it ?

Any update on this ?