
High CPU Usage

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Weirdly there seems to be really high CPU usage when I try this on a Pi.

(Weirdly - since manually running a gstreamer pipeline has very low CPU usage)

These pipelines both have about 3% cpu

$ gst-launch-1.0 playbin uri="file://$PWD/1.mp4"

$ gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=1.mp4 ! decodebin ! glimagesink

Running pi-wall in slave mode gets 103% on one CPU core and 99% on another.

I took out the audio_sink code from and still have the same result.

@stuaxo thnx for the report! can you give me some details on the OS you use (version) and the version of pi you use?

@stuaxo ok i've just tested and i can see the 98% vs 20-25% cpu time (running in slave mode, or running only manually)... i'll debug it and get back to you