
Illegal instruction (core dumped)

hadikoub opened this issue · 2 comments

After installing SymSpellCppPy using pip I tried Importing the module but I'm getting this error

root@2428e6bd41d1:/# python3 
Python 3.8.10 (default, Jun  2 2021, 10:49:15) 
[GCC 9.4.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from SymSpellCppPy import SymSpellPy
Illegal instruction (core dumped)

I was installing this inside a docker container.

Any help?

Not sure whats happening here, could be an issue during the installation process, probably something with the gcc version maybe ? gdb logs will be needed for understand the root cause of the issue better.

I tried uninstalling the package then cleaning pip and wheel cache and then reinstalling and fixed the issue.