
Can't find PhantomJS

snoblenet opened this issue · 1 comments

I have PhantomJS:

$ phantomjs -v

I installed it using:

I've used it successfully at the command line and elsewhere in my Rails app.

But when I try to start the server with Indexable installed, I get this error:

09:45:26 web.1    | I, [2014-11-05T09:45:26.310126 #18381]  INFO -- : Refreshing Gem list
09:45:35 worker.1 | Phantomjs is not a module
09:45:35 web.1    | /Users/steven/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.3/gems/phantomjs- `<top (required)>': Phantomjs is not a module (TypeError)


Issue seemed to be that the other gem and this one both defined at Phantomjs class. Problem disappeared as soon as I removed the other gem.